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As your church begins to prepare for Vacation Bible School 2025, the EBA wants to help!
1) SAVE THE DATE (April 17th, 6 pm) for our Associational VBS FunShop. This is a FREE event designed to help church members across Etowah County to gain creative ideas and training as they prepare for their own VBS. Schedule your entire VBS team to attend so that they can get an early grasp of the curriculum, excitement about the theme and enthusiasm for worship! Complete with VBS-centered refreshments & inexpensive decorative ideas, the FunShop is a blast!
2) We are able to provide a FREE yearly FunShop through Lifeway’s Associational Program. If your church is in the process of ordering VBS curriculum this year, we encourage you to order directly through Lifeway (https://www.lifeway.com/en/shop/vacation-bible-school), as they return 15% of overall purchases by EBA churches to us so that we can provide associational training for next year! IMPORTANT: 1) If purchasing curriculum, online, please email us an itemized copy of your Lifeway receipt to mistyp@etowahbaptist.com by our JULY 10th DEADLINE (receipts through other distributors do not count). 2) Your receipt must be solely VBS purchases and cannot contain other devotionals or materials for other ministries. 3) If shopping through an order form, please use the one we have included below which contains our EBA Associational information, in addition to your individual church information which you will supply. THANK YOU for helping us help many other churches in our area through this small but important act!